Monday 31 August 2015

Healthy Lemon Shrimp Pasta

I still can't believe I eat shrimp let alone any sea food!!! Growing up... Even though on the west coast of Canada where sea food, salmon and fishing is the norm, I NEVER ate seafood. I felt it was icky and creepy LOL!! But last year while competing in my first Bikini Competition I was challenged to try new foods, leaner proteins = FISH! Turns out so far my appetite is only open to shrimp, cod and tilapia but HEY... That's a start right!!!

So my new love for "white" fish + my love for healthy food + my love for experimenting with yummy flavours, brought this delicious recipe to my dinner table this evening!!  Hope you enjoy as much as we did ( Even my little 2 year old Kennedy! )

Hearty, Filled with Flavour & Love !


- 2 pounds Shrimp
- 1/2 Cup of chopped of parsley
- 2 Tbs of Coconut Oil
- Half a lemon
- 4 garlic cloves
- 1 Tbs capers
- 3 Dashes of black pepper
- 1 Tsp of Cayenne
- 1 Tsp Himalayan Salt

1 Bag of Gluten Free Linguini

- Heat up skillet to medium heat
- Add Coconut oil and garlic until aromatic, not browned
- Peel off shells of medium size shrimp, rinse and add to pan in a single layer
- Add half of a lemon juice, parsley, cayenne, himalayan salt, pepper and capers
- Saute until shrimp is cooked

- Boil Gluten Free Pasta
- Drain and Rinse

Combine in a bowl, dish out and serve immediately !
You can add cherry tomatoes for a different variety as well :)

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